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Rebellious insect bumble bee balances, silkworm wears rayon shirt, old age June mayfly lives & silverfish athlete wins first place Olympics gold.
Mean Kermit the frog in hurry pushes old lady and is hit by falling safe karmic revenge,
A straightened candy cane emerges from the Chiropractor's office.
Candy canes have been replaced by candy motor scooters.
An elderly M&M's m-shaped breasts become w's because they're saggy.
Sword swallower in check-out line swallows elderly man's cane as prank.
An old woman gets a hip replacement and becomes cool and trendy.
When the Rice Krispies brothers get old, their joints snap, crackle, and pop.
A woman opens a package of sourdough dough and finds an irritable old Pillsbury Dough Boy inside.