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You searched for: camouflages

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Tasty chocolate chip cookie jumps into healthy oatmeal raisin bin to live longer life.
  • Suspicious onion at cinema ticket booth thinks adult movie customer three pea children in trench coat disguise.
  • Camouflaged chameleon at green St. Patrick’s Day Party confused if room is empty or full.
  • Peanut butter Reeses candy police officer tattoos letter M disguise as undercover M & M chocolate.
  • Sneaky trick or treating chameleon changes from clown to tiger for extra candy but misses tail.
  • Boy on boat asks why ocean called squid cove & Dad scares squids’ black water ink defense.
  • Beard & glasses disguised Potatohead man tells neighbor he’s Mr Regular head.
  • Son doubts chameleon hidden in terrarium his mom & dad gave him.
  • Chameleon teacher isn’t sure if missing student is absent or best camouflaged color changing student in class.
  • Sneaky turkey escapes by hiding in feather duster disguise until day after Thanksgiving.
  • Chameleons change color to fool witch brewing spell in cauldron into thinking jar is empty.
  • Rabbit boyfriend stands still to avoid meeting girlfriend’s parents.

You searched for: camouflages