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You searched for: calming

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  • Owner asks why messy cat misses litter box but pee & poop routine comforts kitty.
  • Relaxed ocean fish in bed sleeps listening to noisy city sounds white noise machine overnight.
  • Sexually satisfied smartphone in bed tells phone lover it put it in airplane mode.
  • Relaxed hyena under tree says it feels balanced by weeping willow.
  • Cat psychologist tells patient in therapy to relieve stress by patting its fur and saying how cute it is.
  • Psychologist tells groundhog therapy will help his shadow fears as scary clowns sneak up behind him.
  • Colored paint splatters cover pranked man’s face and clothes in paintball pinball game joke.
  • Man reads list of red ink altered New Year resolutions changed to dogs’ wants as dog naps with marker.
  • Man watching stressful TV news is soothed by cat on lap who has pooped in his shoe.
  • Dog wears thunder shirt to calm storm anxiety while man wears election shirt to calm election anxiety.

  • A broom reassures a book in a bar that smartphones won't make it obsolete.

You searched for: calming