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You searched for: cafe

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  • Abominable snowman monster apologizes for awful mood after drinking morning caffeine from cafe.
  • Creepy ChatGPT computer AI bots in Starbucks spoof cup will keep you up at night.
  • Guy with boba pearl tea surprised by kitty drinking fish filled drink cup.
  • Empty Russian nesting doll mother tells cafe barista to fill’er up after kids at school.
  • Man at coffee shop complains sugary whipped cream ice coffee drink tastes like coffee.
  • Woman dating scary monster head man thinks she’s missing red flags in relationship.
  • Son’s Ketchup & Froot Loops dinner seems normal to dad after increasingly weird flavor mixes.
  • City destroying Zilla monster wears don’t talk to me until I’ve had my cafe T-shirt.
  • Freezing witch brews coffee shop cold brew orders outside in snow.
  • Greek myth Medusa at cafe’s sleepy snakes hairstyle stand up straight on head awake after coffee.
  • Bakery customer covered in seed topping crumbs changes everything bagels to everywhere.
  • Impatient lit fuse Independence Day firecracker at end of cafe customer line asks to go ahead in rush to order quickly.

You searched for: cafe