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You searched for: breakage

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  • Easter Bunny learns with physical therapy to walk instead of hop to break fewer eggs.
  • A male cat gives his wife a vase of flowers to known over as a gift.
  • Custom lamps are made by a woman and her cat.
  • A cat and dog play poker to see who gets to knock over a vase.
  • Bull is when a distortion in the space-time continuum breaks things in a china shop.
  • A cat knocks over the vase, claws the curtain, catches the goldfish, coughs a hairball, and sheds, all at once.
  • A snake can't rehinge its jaw.
  • A man who lives in a glass house throws an anvil.
  • A plane's engine tenders its resignation over some mountains.
  • A fish sees an ice hockey player's legs floundering as he falls under the ice and thinks it's a sign of spring.
  • An egg tries to make a break for it, but just breaks.
  • A swordfish cuts fisher's lines.

You searched for: breakage