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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Kitty sitting at laptop desk tells another it is ignoring millions of people on internet right now.
Annoyed coffee mug on smartphone complains about showoff travel mugs online vacation photos.
Huge jaw shark at sharks party brags author Peter Benchley wrote books about him.
Russian nesting doll carrying kids inside brags to baby pouch kangaroo mother.
Mother cat on cellphone shows off six pack baby kittens selfie picture of newborn litter nursing on stomach.
Single lady on smartphone Tinder online date app spoof sees Tin Tin comics character profile fish & selfie pictures.
Naughty cat on smartphone shows off torn curtains & spilled plants mess in selfie photo.
Daisy with smartphone is bored with sunny photosynthesis food photos posted on Facebook.
Sloth shows off -6 steps counted on fitness tracker smartphone app to impressed sloth hanging from tree.
Annoyed key at party is stuck listening to boring car key talking about his start ups.
Paint by numbers are mad 5 taking credit for paintings when only did purple parts.
Man in electric car asks woman to stop posting online that he’s passing gas while driving past stations.