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You searched for: bird poop

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  • Man covered in huge poo splat picks guilty Big Bird from criminal birds suspects line-up.
  • Bird says pooping on toupees inventor sculpture’s bald head is artist bird’s best work.
  • Bird with chick poops on man going to work with kid on Take Your Child To Work Day.
  • Man wishes he wore spotted shirt as flock of birds flies in to poop on him.
  • A caveman invents the wheel and a pterodactyl tries to poop on it.
  • A bird tries to say the snow covering a car is actually bird poop.
  • A flock of birds have their season finale by covering a car in their poop
  • A bird finds it easier to poop on SUVs because of their big roofs.
  • Birds make fun of Gene Roddenberry and poop on his car.
  • A man who runs a car wash pays birds to poop on people's cars so he gets more business.
  • Birds think the world would look better covered in white polka dots.
  • Birds wait by a car wash to poop on cars because they like a clean slate.

You searched for: bird poop