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Songbird tells bird with blooming daisy flower fart bum with all seeds it eats was just a matter of time.
Snake eating meal told snake with Pillsbury Poppin’ Fresh man’s shape belly not to fill up on bread.
Grocery shopper tells woman buying cart of Halloween candies trick-or-treat cancelled in her area and she answers mine too.
Indoor cat snacks on treats watching birds in nests outside window in Nestflix Netflix parody.
Dieting snake with six tiny and one big bulge in stomach tells other snake it was good all week so today is my cheat day.
Sad man changes sharing size candy wrapper to shaming size after eating whole bag.
Overweight nutcracker eating doughnuts tells other nutcracker they count as nuts.
Santa is original binge watcher, watching kids all the time.
The Betty Rubble Center for Recovering Toons serves cartoons instead of celebrities.
Santa goes to Overeaters Anonymous to talk about binge eating cookies and milk on Christmas.