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You searched for: betting

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  • Autocorrected Sesame Street Muppets Oscar the Crouch hides, gambling Bookie Monster, insect head big Bug Bird & tree trunk Elm Elmo text message spelling mix ups.
  • Frustrated playing card on smartphone dating app picks from identical cards backs profile photos.
  • Tin man is passed a heart card during a game of poker.
  • Christmas trees gambling with ornaments as poker chips.
  • Dining chair has good luck playing cards with folding chairs.
  • Players gather to compete in the World Series of Dreidel as if it were a poker championship.
  • Naked man stung by jellyfish on nude beach has worse day than clothed man stung.
  • Instead of bars, man hits three Babars on slot machine.
  • Doctor loses bet over length of patient's intestine.
  • It's not fun and games for zombie who loses eye at poker.
  • A turtle runs a shell game in which his audience participates.

You searched for: betting