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You searched for: beaver

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  • Duckbilled platypus on laptop family tree website surprised panda & giraffe are it’s relatives.
  • Beavers couple mom in labor says her water broke but frustrating dam building husband no help.
  • God creating animals makes strange duckbill platypus with leftover piece box.
  • Beaver eats parody Post brand post wooden log cereal for breakfast.
  • A beaver in a forest complains to his mom that there's nothing to eat.
  • A perfectionist beaver builds a perfectly neat dam.
  • Beaver accidentally eats wooden bowl and table during meal of sticks.
  • Furry forest critters gather for the fleshy convention dressed as people.
  • A researcher can't lose his grant because he's accidentally made himself half beaver and needs money to turn back.
  • Duck-billed platypus meets werewolf during full moon and begs not to become yet another animal.
  • A golfer pays a beaver to make a shortcut by eating a whole in the tree while playing golf.

You searched for: beaver