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You searched for: awards

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Dogs by park statue honoring Great Dog are amazed the stories were true.
  • Insect complains mayflies awards memorial speech goes on forever.
  • Statue of dogs admiring the one dog everyone talks about - Who's a good dog? 

  • Insect wearing light bulb hat wins moths Halloween party costumes contest.
  • Professional mayflies business office employees awards display brief lifespan employee of the minute winners.
  • Future reporter boy pulls farting old man’s finger getting “Pull-It Surprise” Pulitzer Prize.
  • Sweater congratulates other on trophy case of ugly sweaters contest awards.
  • Lord Stanley's dining utensils all resemble hockey's Stanley Cup.
  • A child earned many awards for acting such as acting sick and acting innocent.
  • A director's wife beat him with a trophy when he forgot to thank her for helping him get it.
  • First day on job doesn't go well.

You searched for: awards