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Counseling patient hidden under couch tells feline therapist he feels better.
Annoyed gator in park tells surprised man he looks like he didn’t expect to see him later.
Kitty sitting at laptop desk tells another it is ignoring millions of people on internet right now.
Honeybee in love misunderstands honey flirtation & pursues annoyed bee persistently.
Sign advertising massage therapist’s literal bodies touching career scares customers away.
Cat on massage table squishes body flat to avoid confused masseuse’s hands but says it’s fun.
Annoyed sun recognizes lady hidden under sun hat, unsatisfied customer returns it to store.
Lady tells date kitty on laptop online meeting in other room will take a while to get used to him.
Rebellious snacking meal worm, famous moth avoiding limelight, sand flea dislikes beaches & daddy long legs spider not a dad.
Praying mantis bugs at bar admit eat mates’ heads to avoid awkward eye contact after sex.
Sneaky cat calculates math equation distance & angle to avoid owner’s reach to pet.
Suspicious cat says to check pet treats for medicine but clueless dog swallows it ignoring advice.