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Wah-wah voice teacher from Shultz’s Charlie Brown cartoon gets summer job at fast food restaurant drive thru speaker.
Dog versions of Facebook, Snapchat, Periscope, and Spotify
On audio tour, stolen artwork is referenced as "The Napping Security Guard" piece.
People go on an audio tour of an art museum and cringe at the screams in front of The Scream.
Mr. Potatohead can't hear his cell phone because he left his ear at home.
Gunther watches ipod videos by putting ear buds in his eyes.
Viewers of various "whisperers" movies trying to get the volume loud enough to hear.
A man tries to listen to the ocean in a seashell, but it can't distribute audio wave files.
Celebrity Tina Turner’s Cousin It hair wig, Neil Diamond cubic zirconium name, Corey Hart fast food flop, living Monkees copy dead Beatle tape & Snoop Doggy Dogg pays Snoopy copyright rock & roll musician facts.