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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Kitty date at bar ignores loving boyfriend, indifferent distain is enticing turn on.
  • Flirty lady bear at bar jokes forest fire Smokey the Bear named for sexy deep voice pick up line.
  • Cats' fur stands on end after being scared in the haunted house.

  • The shallow zombie is only attracted by looks, not brains.

  • Chocolate bunny is attracted to bunny when he said hollow.
  • A male bear warns his friend that the girl bear at the bar is promiscuous.
  • A frog sticks out its throat to impress a girl frog, and a man sucks his stomach in to impress a woman.
  • A fish goes for the "dangerous type": a fishing lure.
  • A man is surprised to find that his date is a duck, since he thought she was just making a duck face in her profile picture.
  • A man's relationship is like puppy love in that his girlfriend jumps on whoever's closest.
  • A fly has a fetish for being shooed away.

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