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You searched for: attire

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Jason dresses in Hawaiian shirt and shorts for casual Friday the 13th.
  • Playing card is only one at party without a suit.
  • Owner has a new dog groomer and the dog is so well groomed he comes in groom attire.
  • Shirt sellers can't figure out how to sell shirts to the guys who get arrested on COPS.
  • A woman's entire wardrobe looks slimming because she owns a black cat.
  • Robinson Crusoe meets casual Friday.
  • Odd McDonald puts all of his animals in muumuus.
  • A makes takes a medication that forms a nun's habit.
  • A dog gives a snowman yellow highlights.
  • Werewolves favor loose clothing so it won't tear into shreds on the full moon.
  • New military combat fatigues look like Wile. E. Coyote because they can survive explosions.
  • Knights have to defend themselves without armor on Casual Friday.

You searched for: attire