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Bleeding man shaves face with razor & sees car of shark predators outside window.
Widow at grave says dead man’s last words were think I’ll give cat a bath.
Veterinarian asks painfully scratched man how cat did getting in pet carrier.
Swimmer insults wonky sharks teeth, survives dangerous attack by insecure ocean predator.
Guy at beach eating burger surrounded by seagulls tells wife he is approachable.
Autocorrected Christmas song texts Jingle Bells party guests mingle, painful wood splinter Winter Wonderland, fleece Navy uniform Feliz Navidad & White Christmas wine drinking Santa & Mrs Claus.
Suspicious guard suspects relatives inside wooden Thanksgiving Trojan turkey sneaking in gate.
Man attacked by pecking sea gulls regretted wearing potato chips pattern swim trunks to beach.
Bullied guy gets payback at beach sand kicking jerk with potato chips crumb pecking sea gulls.
Underwater artistic shark predator paints human victim’s ass in inflatable ring at surface.
Attacking swarm of eels surround scared man trapped on desert island in misspelled Ellis Island letter mistake.
Builder constructing hippopotamus shaped Trojan horse asks if they can build something else as horses are too hard.