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You searched for: athletics

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Tennis player dog with racket misunderstands owner tennis ball fetch game & feels dumb.
  • Criminal customers eat deli lunch meats at dinner, wore sun dress in cloudy weather, spread jelly with butter knife & walking in running sneakers.
  • Godzilla steals a jumbotron from a sports game.
  • Baseball player, Boo Watabum can't tell if the fans are cheering or jeering him because of his name.
  • A group of mice decide to talk to Mickey about suspected growth hormone use.
  • Psychiatrist observes that patient is guarded by a basketball player.
  • NHL new rule says in tie game, the team with most teeth left wins.
  • Mice play hockey, but a cat interrupts.
  • A hockey team made up of cheese has concern raised over a new Swiss goalie.
  • Cat attacks mice when they are playing hockey.
  • Rudolph and a group of reindeer play baseball games but Rudolph's red nose blinds players.
  • A baseball player has to battle the Sun to make a catch.

You searched for: athletics