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  • Tasty chocolate chip cookie jumps into healthy oatmeal raisin bin to live longer life.
  • Flattered frozen lake takes man’s thin ice danger sign as a compliment.
  • Godzilla full of Hershey’s brand chocolate eats destroyed Pennsylvania city.
  • Oriole songbird Oreo cookie spoof is bird flavored for cats.
  • Christmas decoration at bar complains it’s briefly on tree and back in box & kitty thinks it sounds ideal.
  • Excited dogs celebrate canine Christmas every day at hungry pets’ breakfast.
  • Mrs. Potatohead gives husband smiling lips Christmas present so he can act happy about other gifts.
  • Polite family says Thanksgiving grace quietly before grabbing food in informal mess.
  • Bird in bed with cooked Thanksgiving roast asks if sex was hot for her too.
  • Friends share Thanksgiving meal together while man eats with dog & cat pets.
  • Yawning influencer at party spreads yawns through guests & pet dog & cat.
  • Fly apologizes for misheard shit sheet cake mistake & bug’s birthday disappointment.