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  • A clean fridge tells a fridge covered in notes that it should get a smartphone.
  • A dad reads to his kid, but he makes the stories sound like internet headlines.
  • A dog instant messages his friends.
  • Drawing cartoons got easier because phones, computers, and TVs can be replaced with smartphones.
  • An elephant looks at a picture of a wooly mammoth and his dad tells him body hair was in style back then.
  • Landscape artists and portrait artists hold their smartphones in different orientations.
  • Humpty Dumpty falls off the wall, but his phone survives.
  • A lawyer can't put the fox on the stand because he doesn't know what he'll say.
  • A woman's polite response to a rude text depends on which finger she uses.
  • A dog has an embarrassing bowser history.
  • A robot calls his mom and she hangs up on him because she doesn't want robocalls.
  • Angry Birds yell sweet nothings to each other.