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  • A vampire goes on dating websites and refuses to date anyone with a thick skin.
  • The creature from the black lagoon takes selfies and they turn out completely black.
  • A man turns into a werewolf and stops to update his profile picture.
  • The scarecrow tweets 'if only I had a brain' and then zombies retweet it.
  • Columbus' GPS recalculates when he lands in the Americas.
  • A mummy texts while having a conversation.
  • A game called Mario Parts where you have to put Mario back together.
  • A dog reads reviews on Yelp.
  • Godzilla steals a jumbotron from a sports game.
  • A robot pretends to be smart and another robot says it's artificial intelligence.
  • The wicked witch melts after attempting the ice bucket challenge.
  • A YouTube-famous cat arrives at a party.