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  • A boy gets a guppy for Christmas instead of a puppy because he texted his Christmas list to Santa.
  • A crash test dummy warns a man against buying a self-driving car.
  • Santa gets drones to deliver Christmas presents, but they don't work very well.
  • Santa uses HOL when texting -- Hoing Out Loud.
  • Rudolph crashes because he was texting while flying Santa's sleigh.
  • Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer looks at the other reindeer following him on Twitter.
  • A man breaks up with his girlfriend by sending her a message with sky writing.
  • An advertisement for a makeover shows Charlie Brown's Christmas tree becoming unrealistically beautiful.
  • Cats need a timer to show how soon they'll start scratching you.
  • Kids text at the Thanksgiving table, so their dad says he'll text Grace.
  • Sharks send mean messages to people during Snark Week.
  • A ghost tries to text 'Boo' but texts 'Boob' instead.