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  • Mars calls Cupid out for using an old profile photo showing him as a baby.
  • Tablet teacher tells students he's there to help raise their brightness.
  • Painting one's portrait was the original selfie stick.
  • German worries Twitter's 140 characters won't be enough for german language.
  • Wife sends Grim Reaper text asking him to buy chocolate.
  • Angel removes his halo because it causes too much glare on his smartphone screen.
  • Snoopy gets his name from spying on his friends.
  • Snowman with longest stick arms volunteers to take selfie of group.
  • Cars find past year disappointing because they thought they'd be flying now.
  • Nothing appears under the Christmas tree because all the gifts are digital downloads.
  • Santa curses drones that hit his reindeers while flying.
  • Snowflake needs to change outdate raindrop profile pic.