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  • Pokémon Go is a Pokémon using the public restroom.
  • Selfish, greedy people download without paying sound like pirates.
  • Cat's behaviors of catching mouse are akin to technology and apps.
  • Dog exhibits tech behaviors, like following, emptying trash, searching, and deleting spam.
  • Culprit gets away from cop but he catches three Pokémon instead.
  • Student stares at phone to demonstrate to class what she did all summer.
  • Aliens are able to abduct people because they think they are Pokémon.
  • Man has trouble remembering screennames, but remembers profile pics.
  • Chicken crossed the road playing Pokémon Go.
  • Tangle Fairy comes at night to tangle up headphone wires.
  • Phone gets right to remain in silent mode when getting arrested.
  • hairless cat, legless lizard, flightless bird, and mindless doofus all go without something.