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  • Man is disappointed by real hamburger after seeing beautiful, tasty hamburger on poster.
  • Football player wonders why other player continues to block him on his phone even though game is over.
  • Humpty Dumpty called for an egg fixer and got a chef instead.
  • Turtle regrets getting a laptop because it's so uncomfortable for him to use not having a lap.
  • Dog owner is annoyed lazy dog uses GPS to locate stick in park.
  • Pac Mans and Ms. Pac Mans catch PiƱata treats with their mouths.
  • Firecracker dad warns kid to get off website immediately.
  • Woman ordering last minute Christmas presents online can choose overnight sleigh as shipping method.
  • Frosty melts from defective Galaxy phone that catches fire.
  • Gift reads about embarrassing celebrity gift wrap malfunctions.
  • Caveman is bored of seeing another animal cave drawing.
  • Man entices family over for Thanksgiving by telling them they can catch a Pickachu there.