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  • When Dad asks if daughter is doing math homework she says she is, by adding purchase to her online shopping cart.
  • Pi worries that he can't fully express himself in Twitter's 140 characters.
  • Man loudly complains on the phone about loud noise car is making.
  • Tetris pieces could totally maneuver into subway car to make room for another piece.
  • Humpty Dumpty's GPS leads him upside down causing him to fall off the wall.
  • Angel discovers halos above head are actually spy drones.
  • Couples fight because Cupid decides to play video games instead of shoot arrows.
  • Cat swipes right for good laps in lap-finding app.
  • Phone reassures that sex was great but was just in silent mode.
  • Zebra announces his trip to the watering hole on social media.
  • Once he has a phone, groundhog never notices his shadow again.
  • Rat is disgusted when he reads about a city overrun with people.