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  • After looking at his phone, Blondie asks Dagwood who Brunettie is.
  • Mr. Potatohead gets sick reading about the year's best mashups.
  • Shark got the fish attachments attached to him.
  • Toucan Sam follows his own nose on Twitter.
  • Carl has second thoughts about choosing the Muppets Swedish Chef's indecipherable voice as GPS voice.
  • Bear uses post-hibernation app to locate the closest Starbucks for coffee.
  • R2D2 sees himself wearing a tutu and likes it.
  • At Autocorrect Headquarters, employees autocorrect texts into funny words.
  • Dog uses owner's Fitbit to prove that she's been doing on walks without him.
  • Auditor tells cartoonist he can't write-off everyday payments because they appear in his cartoon.
  • Skier's GPS suggests a faster route is available by skiing straight down off side of mountain.
  • Mouse's GPS suggest an alternate route because cats are sleeping outside mouse hole.