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  • With people readings their phones on the beach, aerial advertiser flys "I give up" sign.
  • Page 404 escapes from jail and guards announce that the page is not found.
  • Cloud blocks the sun on social media.
  • Ed stopped using speakerphone after being misheard by colleagues.
  • When bartender announces last call, phone thinks he's being nosy,
  • PacMan overpacks his suitcase with ghosts and needs to check his bag.
  • Rosie the Riveted robot parodies WW2 Rosie the Riverter icon.
  • People distractedly looking at their phones fall into holes kids dig on the beach.
  • Pinocchio is angry fake news sites are stealing his lying bit.
  • Fish is late to date in the same fishbowl because his GPS isn't working.
  • Woodstock's GPS has him flying in all different directions.
  • Lisa Simpson's Throwback Thursday photo shows an earlier version of herself.