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  • Woman questions amount of time spent with Twitter.
  • Grumpy cat becomes angry when other cat monopolizes the litter box.
  • Death comes to incorrect address due to GPS error.
  • Angler fish uses a cell phone to attract a scuba diver.
  • Yoga students stand up while looking down at cell phones.
  • Man wants to email his doctor a scan of his butt to ask his opinion on a problem.
  • Printer gets heart broken when computer tells her there is not an available printer.
  • Batman is too distracted looking at his phone that he misses Bat Signal in sky.
  • Emojis get together at the Emoti-con convention.
  • Cats gets high score in video game by doing more of nothing.
  • Seagull can't bring himself to share a photo of chips on social media.
  • After being caught, fish takes a selfie.