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  • Smelly C-3PO’s bad body odor keeps Star Wars characters at a distance.
  • Cat texts owner demands to be fed and pet more.
  • Patient at optometrist keeps saying things look worse while looking at the news feed on their smartphone.
  • Man asks if the Independence Day fireworks were taking longer to load as computer loading wheels spin in the sky.
  • Medusa decides to go wireless as her earbuds cords tangle her snake hair.
  • Lit firework uses online symptom checker to look up burning sensation on behind.
  • Man is flicked in the nose by a hand coming out of his computer screen.
  • Cats think the prices on a website are the amount of time it takes to destroy cat toys.
  • Airplane passengers wonder how they’ll be able to connect with anyone while their cellphones and tablets are turned off.
  • Dad likes VR goggles kids gave him for Father’s Day that shower him with praise.
  • Penguin in crowd wonders how cell phone’s facial recognition password got hacked.
  • Fish in aquarium don’t like that a cat is looking at a scuba gear e-commerce website.