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  • Turkey with cellphone weather app thinks 350 degree Thursday forecast can’t be right.
  • Mosquitos see five-star Yelp restaurant review website for man with bug bites on laptop computer.
  • Annoyed key at party is stuck listening to boring car key talking about his start ups.
  • Dog with smartphone under dinner table texts begging for treats as wife asks husband why his phone keeps going off.
  • Patient holding cellphone in medical exam tells doctor it hurts when she reads her parents’ political posts online.
  • Trick or treater in smartphone costume asks woman if she wants her to have 5 bars.
  • Haunted town of ghosts on smartphones wont reply to unanswered texts and email messages.
  • Wicked Witch of the West swims in virtual water with VR headset.
  • Cartoonist on smartphone posts cartoon about relying on phones but is trolled by mean comments for hypocrisy.
  • Dog on laptop answers security questions about sniffing, puking and rolling in dead animal.
  • Cat on laptop answers security questions about scratching, puking and knocking things off table.
  • Man loves smartphone aging app but woman tells him he’s looking in a mirror.