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  • Surprised rabbit on website sees over 200 million relative match search results on genealogy website.
  • Flock of migrating birds flying north set smartphones to migration airplane mode.
  • Smartphone GPS app shows horse, walking and hair travel methods to Rapunzel’s fairy tale tower.
  • Russian matryoshka doll with laptop buying dress on website chooses size all of them.
  • Cat on laptop computer suggests finicky diet website but dog says can’t see it working for him.
  • Daisy with smartphone is bored with sunny photosynthesis food photos posted on Facebook.
  • Bird watching Netflix in nest realizes it’s late flying south for winter but woman says it’s first robin of spring.
  • Frustrated mathematical symbol pi on laptop types full name’s numbers in box on website.
  • Dog uses cellphone GPeeS global positioning system directions app to find spots to urinate.
  • Planet Earth playing video game earns an extra day to explain Leap Years.
  • Mime on smartphone sees blank text message replies.
  • Noisy car stereo music annoys old man but loud speakerphone rash talk grosses out young people in cafe.