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  • Angry groundhog on laptop banned from Twitter for violent 6 more weeks winter tweet.
  • Cat on laptop misses birds on Zoom meeting during winter migration south.
  • Researcher tests painful internet haircutting laptop scissor arm invention rough drafts.
  • Mad celebrity on cellphone at dinner ironically criticizes bad reviews online then says roast chicken is dried out.
  • Dog on smartphone listens to favorite walk, ride, dinner songs play list.
  • Frustrated broken eggshell Humpty Dumpty missed smartphone Twitter icy winter weather warning & slips off wall.
  • Disney+ streaming video parody of extra cartoon Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck face and body pieces.
  • Santa Claus on smartphone fitness app drops from 123 million peak Christmas Eve to zero miles relaxing at home vacation.
  • Couple in online VR goggles give robot arm hugs on pandemic Christmas apart from loved ones.
  • Santa Claus buying toys online on laptop adds millions of Christmas gifts to sack for kids worldwide.
  • Christmas tree on laptop regrets waiting till only lopsided trees left on online dates website.
  • Rudolph the red nosed reindeer on laptop shops online for clear face masks PPE for pandemic Christmas.