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  • Office workers in pajamas have trouble readjusting to in person dress codes after remote working from home.
  • Autocorrected depressed beach sand dune, sunscreen sun yells, stoned ocean toad & rude bird sea gull gall spelling changes.
  • Man on smartphone tracks daily emotional progress on therapy baby steps pedometer wellness app.
  • Cat on smartphone sees today’s playlist of yarn, milk cap, crinkled paper, bug & human toes.
  • Cat says it got vet shots but hesitant cat believes crazy Garfield tracking chip vaccination lies.
  • Dog smelling other dog’s behind sees online streaming skip intro sign.
  • Man shopping online on computer sees unrelated chiropractic product suggestion marketing.
  • Greek myth Sisyphos pushing rock uphill sees time of arrival never ever on smartphone.
  • Pet owners with talking dog begging for table scraps regret getting canine speech chip technology.
  • Tattoo artist tells man with shaky tattoo mistake his smartphone was on vibrate.
  • Green Giant mascot on smartphone fitness tracker sees 6 steps 38 miles walking distance.
  • Man asks if phones secretly listen to us & smartphone in butt pocket answers don’t be silly.