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Browse our Other Technology Cartoons

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  • A crocodile eats tourists and is worried their camera put ten pounds on him.
  • A computer goes postal after being forced to send too many emails.
  • In the off season, sugar plums dance in seedy nightclubs.
  • A computer eats a man's files because he put them on the menu.
  • A baby plays virtual reality games.
  • A man's computer password conjures a fancy welcome screen.
  • Types of technology get trained.
  • A man criticizes the man who's about to give him a job interview while they're both driving.
  • A probe for Saturn is ready to launch, but the clock on it keeps flashing 12:00.
  • People get ailments associated with their electronics.
  • Computers go to a museum to look at an exhibit of an old "dinosaur" computer.
  • A surgeon decides he can't allow flash photography in the operating room any more.