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  • A man's cubicle looks like a Rubiks Cube.
  • A boss plays virtual reality games like Leaving Even Earlier Than Usual.
  • A man talks the way he chatted online, with typos.
  • A caveman calls tech support because he can't figure out how to use his spear to defend himself from a sabretooth tiger.
  • R2D2 has a nightmare of being smelled by lots of dogs.
  • The cartoonist lets his family come up with ideas for the Fathers' Day cartoon.
  • A woman's online lover accidentally wrote someone else's username.
  • A goldfish plays virtual reality games.
  • A chicken downloads pictures of plucked chickens online.
  • Explorers are about to get attacked by a big cat in the jungle.
  • A man playing a video game on a plane causes zombies to attack the flight.
  • Pacman is a bum with a sign that says "will work for little round dots."