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Browse our Other Technology Cartoons

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  • Luke Skywalker's dark socks turn his laundry gray.
  • Bill Gates tries to license his childhood drawing.
  • The original computer crash was when Stonehenge fell over.
  • A tree falls and no one hears it.
  • A woman tells her babysitter that she doesn't need to call for help because her daughter's website has the answers.
  • A fish about to be eaten by a series of larger fish warns its phone partner that the signal is about to get worse.
  • The cartoon lists things that prove you might be old.
  • A man gets his tongue stuck to the frozen screen of his computer.
  • Cat hell includes options such as kids with doll clothes, silent can openers, and a room of rocking chairs.
  • Godzilla plays virtual reality games about stepping on buildings.
  • A man's radar detector goes haywire because a giant bat is about to attack him.
  • A woman brings her famous meatloaf when she visits and paparazzi take pictures of it.