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  • Advertisers try to get a pharoah to change his long distance carrier.
  • When the Millenium Falcon's odometer hits 2000, it crashes.
  • Hansel and Gretel go in the Gingerbread Chatroom online.
  • Mice get into a family's Y2K provisions because a cat wants to stock up on food too.
  • A woman's hard drive is erased by a powerful magnate.
  • Cinderella's fairy godmother warns her about her spells' midnight compatibility.
  • A man's new computer Mighty Mouse sings.
  • A fortune teller forsees a woman having a good New Year's Eve, but her crystal ball crashes at midnight.
  • R2D2 gets caught making out with a trash can.
  • Little Bo Peep searches for sheep online.
  • Charlie Brown plays virtual reality games where his life is better.
  • The man who invented heat-seeking missiles was inspired by his cats.