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  • A new laptop for pet owners has a tunnel at the bottom for pets to sit in.
  • Worms investigate a crime scene of an apple core.
  • A dog says he doesn't want a video of him being neutered to show up online.
  • A witch checks her spell on a computer.
  • The easy computer programming book is 101, but the advanced computer programming book is a long string of zeroes and ones.
  • A fish makes a phone call, but all the lines are busy.
  • Mark takes the day off and lets his family come up with cartoon ideas.
  • The Village People have a failed comeback with "Y2K Bug."
  • The Justice Department suspects Microsoft of taking kickbacks from The Hair Club.
  • A baby who will become a hacker unpins his diaper.
  • A man is excited to meet hotbuns996, but she turns out to be the Pillsbury Doughboy.
  • Woodstock from Peanuts goes to a computer class and comes out thinking in binary.