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  • A computer initializes a modem by showing the letters MDM.
  • A demon's access to heaven online is denied.
  • A woman catches the bouquet at a wedding by remotely controlling it.
  • A woman asks a man if he got any interesting emails and he says he should hire a proofreader.
  • George Washington confesses to downloading pictures from
  • Cupid points and clicks on lovers interacting online.
  • Small victories against technology include adding something to the dryer without it shutting off and grabbing your ATM card before the reminder beep.
  • Houdini's wife has to call tech support because their computer locked up and Houdini swallowed the escape key.
  • A Pokemon player is excited to have caught lots of viruses.
  • The Tin Man decides not to go to Oz because he can buy vital organs on eBay.
  • R2D2's cousin Y2K2 has a long hangover after New Year's 2000.
  • A rat buys meat with a label saying it expired in 1900.