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Browse our Other Technology Cartoons

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  • A computer's hard drive gets completely full, then reverts to sleep mode.
  • A computer refuses to tell a man the weather because he never goes out.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • A cat can't have fun at work because all the bird and bee sites are blocked.
  • A man using the Columbus search engine is always finding new stuff, but not what he was looking for.
  • A man brings his old Mac computer to an antiques roadshow.
  • Computer engineers want to shut down a man's bodily functions and restart them during surgery.
  • A woman gets a letter in the mail with a virus attached.
  • A man tries to listen to the ocean in a seashell, but it can't distribute audio wave files.
  • A dog learns how to roll up a newspaper to fight his owner.
  • A man is frustrated with his computer so he smashes it with a golf driver.
  • A woman regrets installing Flash to her computer because it flashes her in a little trench coat.