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  • Virtual Reality for all of the things you do at home.
  • A new coffee maker has an ID display for the last person that made coffee.
  • A woman doesn't want to get go of her cell phone at the repair shop.
  • A centipede gets a hands free phone for no apparent reason.
  • A woman has experience writing IM'ing shorthand, as computer code.
  • A man needs to go back to the office to get his missing lap top.
  • The only thing at the table wired is the man drinking too much coffee.
  • The Jolly Green Giant turns to popcorn when he's around popcorn microwaves.
  • A tightrope walker can't walk on a wireless high wire.
  • A moose's email is spammed with antler enhancement ads.
  • Telemarketers go to a convention and see the latest in seat pressure transponders.
  • Hockey rinks can now tilt to favor the home team.