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  • The big bad wolf has a bad time with
  • A cat gets carpal tunnel for holding onto a mouse too long.
  • A new toothbrush camera shows if you really brushed your teeth.
  • Squirrels hack into a bird website.
  • An elephant calls his computer a rookie when it has a full memory.
  • In the new version of Goldilocks, she hacks porridge websites.
  • An angel tries to allocate everyone their fifteen minutes of fame, but they keep being taken.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Potatohead read magazines about the future.
  • A window pane saves the mesh screen from a cat.
  • Telephones need a button to make a long story short.
  • A woman flosses her keyboard because she has too many crumbs from snacks in there.
  • The groundhog spends the rest of the year playing Shadow Smasher.