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  • A man is confused by how to get to the Toys R Us website, because he cannot type a backwards R.
  • The next step after customized ring tones for cell phones, are customized aromas and smells.
  • We would name our computers the curse and swear words we call then when they don't work correctly.
  • The computer symbol @ becomes a big shot after the Internet is invented.
  • Without paper confetti available, the New Year's Eve party throws shredded computer monitors.
  • The twelve drumming drummers get downsized.
  • A boy sells a cookie half eaten by Santa on EBay.
  • Two kids locate Santa's sleigh because of Rudolph's nose.
  • A boy loses his cell phone in the snow, and it ends up in a snowman.
  • Two monsters shopping for a car can't agree on what type to get.
  • There's no substitute teacher, so the shop teacher builds a robot sub.
  • A boy camps next to his computer, waiting for tickets to go on sale.