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  • New smart books will tell you when you mispronounce a word in your head.
  • A fly is concerned to see that the spider web he landed on had a pop up spider.
  • Mr. Sorrentino couldn't think outside the box, cause he never took his light bulb out of it.
  • These witches send hex messages, instead of text messages.
  • A consumer and an executive wish for different kinds of CD burners.
  • This man's ring tone is 'Highway to Hell', which goes off during a church service.
  • A woman sees a psychiatrist that gives his sessions via the Internet.
  • The next laptop invention will be laptops built right into your pants.
  • Librarians are now able to see what words you read with their new technology.
  • New amplifier volume settings are metaphorical.
  • The Jolly Green Giant's IPod is called a P-Pod.
  • New traffic light signals will be intelligent and change based on the drivers urgency.