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  • Seagull gamer in headphones plays beach french fries stealing Grand Theft Auto video game spoof.
  • Summer autocorrected sunken sand castle, surfing pig surf board, guilt confessing concession stand & balding hair head volleyball.
  • Flirty man on smartphone texts girlfriend hey lover but autocorrect loser message insults angry date.
  • Reproducing rabbits dad on laptop receives email inbox full alert message as lots of bunny children’s Father’s Day messages fill folder.
  • Kitty novelist sleeps on laptop keyboard & types random letters punctuation to complete writing novel in one night.
  • Dead 1/2 star killed by customers’ negative reviews scares 4 online shopping product review stars.
  • Dog on laptop website types Googles’ suggested search terms things to bark at, sniff, roll in, eat, throw up, eat again & regret.
  • Mother cat on cellphone shows off six pack baby kittens selfie picture of newborn litter nursing on stomach.
  • Blocked text computer website passwords in support group meeting want to be remembered.
  • Indecisive man on laptop shopping website second guesses order with Angel of Indecision’s overwhelming suggestions at shoulder.
  • Star Wars film droid C-3PO embarrassed by smelly fart relative C-3PU’s gross bathroom poop stink.
  • Forgetful man lost keys, is confused in room, & forgot phone & credit card to reach fitness tracker app walking goals retracing steps.