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  • All of the flowers are genetically engineered to have an odd number of petals.
  • A teacher uses DNA from a spitball to find out who did it.
  • Santa tabulates his Christmas gift list with machines from the election in Florida.
  • A cat has a midlife crisis after losing 4 of his 9 lives.
  • Bacteria do word problems in school.
  • A bird finds it easier to poop on SUVs because of their big roofs.
  • Bigfoot's little brother gets fewer presents in his stocking on Christmas.
  • Low ash cat food is made by employees who don't smoke.
  • A dog tears a three-piece suit into lots of pieces.
  • Dungbeetleman tells Spiderman he shouldn't be complaining.
  • A fish tries to escape from its bowl.
  • A bird's egg falls into a pitching machine and hits a tennis player.