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  • A boy tells his locker neighbor his zit count, not the locker combination.
  • Witches look at the sales of press-on warts in October.
  • A symbol fell off of the Tic Tac Toe grid.
  • Cartoon characters with four fingers can be frustrated while driving.
  • A boy does a project about Earth Day in school.
  • A vampire is to blame for chocolate bunnies being hollow.
  • 90% of heat escapes the body through the head.
  • What other products would look like if they were designed by razor companies.
  • Santa's Reindeer watch The Matrix, then imitate the movies.
  • A teacher does her grades with calligraphy so they can't be changed.
  • A stock chart continues into the basement.
  • Cats watch a cat version of the Matrix.