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  • Piranha is reminded not to chew his food thoroughly.
  • A schoolboy tells his mom he got 110% on his math test.
  • Now that music crosses over into different genre, record store employee uses a genre detector.
  • Boy plays sudoku puzzle on a man's checkered shirt while waiting in line at the store.
  • A kid fakes his report card and his dad said he got the same grades when he was a kid.
  • Revised list of softball statistics includes pulled muscles.
  • Scientists work to make artificial wood, while termite scientists work to make artificial termites.
  • A man gets a checkered tan from his sun screen.
  • A squared number shows up at a digits party.
  • Man opens a fortune cookie at a Chinese Restaurant and receives everything except 1 as a lucky number.
  • The dog food pyramid is quite simple: Canines eat everything.
  • On trial, the defendant vampire is questioned by lawyer during trial.