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  • Boss holds employees in office meeting over a broken window cracked to look like a line graph.
  • A boy uses technology to help predict locations of Easter eggs.
  • Judge allows woman to change name but not birthdate.
  • Wandering within a dog's furry coat, a flea is polling fellow fleas about the dog's direction.
  • Betty Rubble Center for recovering toons has Casper and a host of troubled toons.
  • Batman has a new enemy, the Sudokuer.
  • Mathematician tells mathematician on cell phone to hang up and derive.
  • Harry Potter's book release cause drop in company productivity.
  • A galapagos turtle turns 150.
  • A schoolboy says he made the top 20% grade, but he meant the top 20% of the alphabet.
  • A bouncer pulls a man away from a poker game after mishearing him say he's counting carbs.
  • A woman wants her classified ad in bold with her phone number in capital letters.