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  • Dog's convoluted name is a good password.
  • Man manages to butt-dial with a rotary phone.
  • Grecian formula produces hair in shape of ancient warrior's helmet.
  • Laptop is shocked about number of laps girlfriend has been on.
  • Man wishes he paid attention in physics class when catapulting to woman on other island.
  • On deserted island two people keep tying in vote for king of island.
  • A female dog realizes she's not sure she had sex with her boyfriend because his head cone obscured his face.
  • A man dislikes how far apart his date's eyes are -- one in her head, and one in Paris.
  • Borders of cartoon are paranoid and exhibit borderline personality disorder.
  • The Reznicks hire those in exacting professions to cut their twins' birthday cake into equal slices.
  • Man's mom Twitters about how long it's been since he called her.
  • In honor of Earth Day, the cartoon recycles pieces of old cartoons.